
Non Attendances

Unfortunately we had a total of 42  patients missed appointments in January 2025 which has resulted in 11 hours of wasted appointment time. Missed appointments cause the waiting times for an appointment to be much longer than necessary. 

Patients will be removed from the practice list if they continue to miss appointments. 

You can cancel your appointments by phone, email or by using your online services app. 

Changes to NHS app minimum device requirements

The minimum software version required to run the NHS app is changing on 3 February 2025.

Following this date, the minimum operating system required to run the NHS app will be:

  • Apple iOS 15 and above

  • Android version 8 and above

This means that devices running software versions lower than this will no longer be able to use the NHS app. This will affect people who use the following versions of iOS and Android operation systems:

  • iOS 12

  • Android 6

  • Android 7

These users will not be able to access the NHS App via the app on their phones and will need to access the NHS App via their web browser. 

Please visit Technical issues with the NHS App - NHS App help and support - NHS  for more information and help. 

Employment Support in Primary Care IPS

IPS are specialists in supporting people who have experienced mental and physical illness to find employment at a pace that works for them.

If you are thinking about fi nding full or part-time work, or would like more
information around employment you can ask to be referred to your local
Employment Specialist by a member of your Primary Care Network team.
Alternatively you can self-refer by emailing

Employment Support in Primary Care IPS

Employment Support in Primary Care IPS Retention


Need help with your muscle or joint problems?
NHS South East Essex MSK app is now available to all patients. It’s a FREE, easy-to-use tool helping you to self-manage your muscle, bone, and joint (MSK) injuries and

For more information please visit the GetUbetter section on our website: GetUBetter

National data opt-out

The national data opt-out was introduced on 25 May 2018, enabling patients to opt out from the use of their data for research or planning purposes, in line with the recommendations of the National Data Guardian in her Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs

Patients can view or change their national data opt-out choice at any time by using the online service at or by calling 0300 3035678.

By 2020 all health and care organisations are required to be compliant with the national data opt-out policy. NHS Digital and Public Health England are already compliant and are applying national data opt-outs. 

Latest News

Non Attendances

Unfortunately we had a total of 42 missed appointments in January 2025 which has resulted in over 11 hours of wasted appointment time. Missed appointments cause the waiting times for an appointment to be much longer than necessary. 

Patients will be removed from the practice if they continue to miss appointments. 

You can cancel your appointments by phone,  email or by using your online services app. 


Flu season is here! Our winter 24/25 flu clinics are starting on 03rd October 2024. Please book online or by calling the surgery on 01268 439233

Telephone Number

From Thursday 21st January 2021 the surgery contact number will be changing to 01268 439233.

Please note that all calls from the above date will be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Program

'The public can really help the NHS to deliver the COVID-19 vaccination programmes effectively to those who need it most. Taking these simple steps will help us to help you. 


  • The NHS will contact you when it’s the right time to come forward, so please don’t contact us to seek a vaccine before then.
  • Please act on your invitation when it arrives, and make sure you attend your appointments when you arrange them.
  • In the meantime, please continue to abide by all the social distancing and hand hygiene guidance, which will still save lives.


The latest information on the COVID-19 vaccination programme is online on the NHS website. We advise checking there first if you have questions about the safety or effectiveness of COVID vaccines, or your priority to receive vaccination'.


Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are working towards reducing the number of patients attending the surgery unnecessarily. This will help to protect patients and staff alike. 

All appointment requests will be booked for a telephone triage appointment with a clinician who will assess the patient. The clinician will then decide if the patient will need to be seen face to face or if their medical need / request can be dealt with over the telephone. 

Patients needing emergency appointments will be asked the following screening questions by the Care Navigation team:

1) Do you have a new continuous cough?

2) Do you have a high temperature?

Let’s hope that the steps we take now help to prevent the situation from worsening further down the line. In the meantime we thank you for your continued support.

Dr Ana Linacero-Gracia

Dr Rachel Baqai

What is the advice to patients and the public?

Information for the public is available at

Online Booking System

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak we have been advised by NHS England to switch off our online appointments. This will allow the  care navigators on reception the opportunity to triage appointments to make sure that patient's presenting with coronavirus symptoms are signposted to NHS 111 as per the NHS and Public Health guidelines. 

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and will of course switch the online booking system back on as soon as it is safe to do so.

If you have any questions in relation to the coronavirus please visit: 

Appointment system changes.

Following patient feedback regarding the difficulties in obtaining  routine appointments we are now piloting a new appointment system. We hope that this new service will help to improve patient access. We are still offering same day emergency face to face appointments, Telephone appointments and routine appointments with Doctors , Advanced Nurse Practitioners , Mental Health Workers, Nurses and Health Care Assistants.  Any feedback on our new appointment system will be greatly appreciated. 

Important Notice Regarding Repeat Prescriptions.

From 1st February 2020 we are required by NHS England to issue and send repeat prescriptions electronically directly to the pharmacy, rather than in paper form.

If you have already nominated your chosen pharmacy we will continue to send your prescriptions directly to them.

If you do not have a nominated pharmacy, from 1st February we will send your prescription electronically to boots pharmacy in this building.

You can change your preferred pharmacy at any time by either informing us or informing your new pharmacy.  

Local evening and weekend appointments available

Patients who are registered at this practice can book an appointment to see a GP or nurse at the weekends (on Saturday and Sunday). Appointments will either take place at:

GPHA, Suite 3 ,351 London Road, Hadleigh, SS7 2BT  


Audley Mills Surgery, 57 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh SS6 7JF.

Talk to the practice receptionist to find out more or book an appointment.

Friends and family test

Please let us know how we are doing by completing our friends and family test.

Online repeat prescription service

By logging in to our secure online system you will be able to see all of your repeat medication. You can request your repeat medication up to a week before it is due simply by ticking the items you require.

Get your personal online user details

You can collect your user details from our reception staff. Your confidentiality is important to us and therefore we will only give user details to the patient in person with appropriate ID.

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

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